Getting Started with Fōcus
Whether you are starting your career or facing new career challenges it’s difficult to know which move is the right move and which move is a dead end. Not only that, change is hard, but a better job opens room for a better life and a better future.

You Want

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To Use Your Skills
Chances are you're not looking for business as usual. Neither are we. Find out more about our student opportunities.
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To Relocate
You’re ready for a move, but you will need a job. Finding a job in a new city quickly is difficult. Add a few time constraints into the recipe and job searches becomes downright stressful. Connect with a staffing expert to help you find a new job for your fresh start.
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To Have Job Security
You’re trying to build your career on unstable ground, and you’re not sure how much longer your job is going to hold out. Restructuring, layoffs and lost revenue, means your job may not last too long. Don’t leave your destiny to fate.
Having the right job makes all the difference. 
Make the right move every step of your job search with your own personal career guide. Approximately one-third of your life is spent at work. Everything about your daily life changes when you find a new job: where you’ll be, how you’ll spend your time, what you’ll focus on, your quality of life, the amount of security you and your family will feel. Finding a job is a serious business, and finding the right one is life-changing. Your future can be transformed forever, but first, you have to find the right job. Let the journey begin.
The Road is Winding
Before you find the opportunity you want, you must first enter a maze of awkward interviews, tense salary negotiations, complex paperwork, confusing legal pitfalls, wasted time, closed minds, rejection, an unknown future. Job searching can feel like a never-ending series of false starts and dead ends. In the end, valuable time is wasted – and worst of all – your future is stuck in limbo.
Find the Right Guide
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the job search, you’re in good company. It’s one of life’s most stressful situations, and every step of the process has seemingly make-or-break consequences. You don’t have to go through this process alone. Luckily, the right job for you is out there, and there are people who can help you land it.
Finding Your Next Opportunity Is Easier Than You Think
What if finding the right job was simply a matter of having a few conversations with people who will truly listen to understand your goals – and have the right connections with industry-leaders to make it happen? It really is that simple.
How Do You Get the Best Outcome for Your Career?
Relationship. It may sound cliche, but partnering with someone who will understand you, communicate transparently with you, and guide you through each step will exponentially increase your chance of landing the job that is best for you. With trust, honesty and a little elbow grease, amazing results will flourish.
You Need
A connections expert. Someone who is willing to work with you, whenever and however you need. Someone who also just happens to have an extensive network of business leaders who are looking for someone just like you. By having a third party connect you with the position that’s the right fit for you, you’ll save lots of time and frustration.
Make Your Dreams A Reality
Your skillset is valuable. You possess unique talents. You have what it takes to produce real results and create an impact. You just need the opportunity that will allow you to take the driver’s seat of your career and speed ahead. Start your engine and get your show on the road.


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Receive up-to-the-minute job openings tailored just for you.


If you’ve been seeking some combination of a career coach, legal-jargon translator, master networker, communications expert and top-notch negotiator, we’re the career guide you’ve been searching for.


We are called recruiters, but our real expertise is relationships. The reputation of a staffing company matters a lot, and we’ve got that part covered. As a part of The Ōnin Group, Focus has more than 20 years of award-winning experience, but what really separates us from the crowd is our ability to truly connect with professionals just like you, understand your needs and then find the job that’s best for you.

We will deliver the job you want: It’s simple. You have clear career objectives. We’ll connect you with the job you want.

It’s all about you. We’re here to serve you, understand you and deliver for you.

We know everything must be done correctly the first time, with no-nonsense. We won’t waste your time. Period.

You’ll never be left hanging. We will always be transparent. We will always be honest. We’ll walk you through the entire process everything is done right.
You can count on us to get things done right every step of the way – from the job search to the hiring process.

Communication is critical. As relationship experts, excellent communication skills come with the territory. With Focus, we promise: You’ll always know what’s happening, when and why.

Whatever your questions or needs may be – no matter how big or small – we can always help. We’ll keep you in the loop, explain the process and evaluate your options together, based on your unique career goals. With so much on the line, you deserve to work with a partner who will never leave you hanging. Having a partner you can count on to help you make the best decision is the difference between finding a job and finding the job that will let your career soar.

We are available any time you need us. We will help you, no matter where you are in your career search. Partner with someone who is truly willing to guide you through this life-changing journey.